Institut for Political Research
and Consulting

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Welcome to  BiblioZit online

The online database for bibliographies and citations

The database made available here is a project of the IFB with the goal of providing a comprehensive German language online database for bibliographies and citations of numerous primary, secondary and tertiary sources.

The basis of our work is the Harvard citation style with corresponding short summaries in the text and the principle author year in the bibliography. The proposals for the bibliography, however, may also be useful in other citation styles, such as the German citation, the Oxford referencing styles, the Chicago Manual Style, APA or MLA Style.

BiblioZit-Online is aimed at scientists of all disciplines, but also across disciplines to students who are looking for help and a good, transparent source directory. The style used here is intended to serve primarily as a guide and support and therefore to be expressly understood as a recommendation. BiblioZit-Online in fact explains which information is useful and necessary in the reference, in which situations. If you already have a separate citation style, then BiblioZit-Online will be a valuable addition.

Whichever style you also use, pay attention to consistent implementation of it throughout!

Note for students: Please also note that some departments or institutes have their own, sometimes very strict guidelines for the style of citation to be used.

Terms of use: The database is currently in the development phase. Therefore, not all features and content are implemented.


Currently there are 663 source rules in the database.



Overview of general sources

Übersicht allgemeiner Quellen

Übersicht fachspezifischer Quellen