Institut for Political Research
and Consulting

Bewertungsbgen Striche 274x54   Evaluation forms for assessing performance

The assessment of audit services is one of the major challenges for the faculty which has just started its teaching activity. They often do not know what criteria they should undertake for their performance appraisal. Here, a performance assessment should both meet, be understandable in terms of other performance assessments, as well as for being valued.

To this end the IFB has developed two evaluation forms to evaluate the performance of written works and oral examinations and provides them for free use.

The evaluation forms can be downloaded free as a PDF document. Just click on the picture of the evaluation form you are interested in and go to "Save As" to get the file.

Of course you can adjust the evaluation forms developed by us to your personal needs. We are happy to provide you with editable Word files. Tell us in an email what evaluation form you need as a Word file, for what purpose and on what device you want to use the evaluation form.

For the request of a Word file as well as suggestions and criticism about our review form, use the e-mail address:

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Evaluation form for written assignments
corresponding to a 0-100% scheme
(e.g. seminar-/term papers, essays)

Date: 04.01.2019 

Evaluation form for oral examinations
corresponding to a 0-100% scheme
(e.g presentations)

Date: 04.01.2019 

  bewertungsbogen schriftlich prozent   bewertungsbogen mündlich prozent



Evaluation form for written assignments
corresponding to a 0-15 point system
(e.g. seminar-/term papers, essays)

Date: 04.01.2019 

Evaluation form for oral examinations
corresponding to a 0-15 point system
(e.g presentations)

Date: 04.01.2019 

  bewertungsbogen schriftlich punkte   bewertungsbogen mündlich punkte
Evaluation forms link